Emir Aykut Pekdemir
Emir leads the sustainable design analytics at WSP USA's Built Ecology team. Prior to that, he has spent the past 10 years of his career providing integrated design solutions for healthier, high performance buildings at Buro Happold and Simpson Gumpertz & Heger. With a technical background, Emir uses advanced building simulation tools to simplify and solve intricate building physics challenges encountered in complex designs. As an ASHRAE certified Building Energy Modeling Professional (BEMP), he is experienced in dynamic energy and airflow modeling, hygrothermal modeling, daylight/glare simulations and computational fluid dynamics (CFD).
Emir is also a professor at Pratt Institute and Parsons School of Design, teaching architecture students various technical aspects of sustainable design. He is an active speaker regionally and globally – including at conferences such as Facades+, the Council for Tall Buildings and Urban Habitats (CTBUH), ASHRAE and IBPSA, as well as guest lecturing at multiple universities.