Michael J. Rzeznik, P.E
Michael J. Rzeznik, P.E. is an Associate Principal with Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. He has over thirty years of experience in fire protection engineering. Mike’s expertise in fire protection includes fire/life safety analysis, egress design, fire protection system design and analysis, code consultation, loss investigation, and related services for a wide range of facilities and systems. Over his career, he has managed operations, led project teams, and participated in numerous design, consulting, and loss investigation projects. His experience includes new and existing buildings of nearly every occupancy type throughout the United States and around the world. Prior to joining WJE, Mr. Rzeznik was associate director of global fire and safety at Starwood Hotels, where he oversaw fire protection and life safety for eleven hotel brands, more than 1,200 properties in over 100 countries. Mike is a member of NFPA, NAFI, and SFPE, where he holds the grade of Fellow.