Robert Murray
Founder and Principal,
Murray Engineering
Robert Murray's professional engineering career spans over 30 years. Licensed in multiple states and as Founder and Principal of Murray Engineering since 1998, Robert has crafted a reputation for excellence—applying deep knowledge, creating tailored solutions, and delivering solid results. In 2020, Robert was named an Honorary Member of the Structural Engineers Association of New York (SEAoNY). He has served SEAoNY as Board President, Board Member, Director of Programs, and member of various code committees. Robert has experience in all construction types including steel, concrete, timber, and masonry structures. His expertise is not only with new building design but with expansion, renovation, historic preservation, adaptive reuse, and evaluation of existing structures. With offices in New York City and Rhinebeck, his firm offers engineering services for commercial, cultural, hospitality, educational, multi-family housing, high-end private residences, and healthcare buildings as well as special structures. He remains passionate about building science, sustainable design, and enjoys modular and panelized construction.